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Udder Comfort cream for udder

A cream for udder made with lanolin and essential oil of peppery mint and tea-tree. The tea-tree virtues are widely known and used in medicine thanks to its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and disinfectant virtues. This cream soften the udder and stop the pain. One flask = one cow.

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Udder Comfort cream for udder
Réf stockcode : GGB71A

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Crème mamelles Udder Confort

Long description

A cream for udder made with lanolin and essential oil of peppery mint and tea-tree. The tea-tree virtues are widely known and used in medicine thanks to its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and disinfectant virtues. This cream soften the udder and stop the pain. One flask = one cow.

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